To Σωκράτης ΙΙ παρευρίσκεται στο Πρωτάθλημα Καλλιτεχνικής Γυμναστικής
On October 3rd, students from Socrates II Campus from grade 3 to high school, along with the adults who accompanied them, had a fun and unique experience at the 47th World Artistic Gymnastics Championships. These took place from October 2 to 8 at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, which many visited for the first time.
Everyone cheered, danced and cheered on all the incredibly talented athletes coming to our city to compete in this world class event.
The enthusiasm was not limited to this day. The teachers reported that this day resulted in countless questions and discussions from the students. They followed with great interest the competitions on the internet, which allowed them to witness the triumph of the Greek champion, Lefterios Petrounias, even if they had not seen him directly dazzle the judges on the rings.
An absolutely memorable day!
The Socrates-Demosthenes School
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