The cocktail-dinner for theSocrates-Demosthenes and Giant Steps schools was a great success thanks to those who have so generously contributed to the evening. The room was full and everyone was in the mood to celebrate. Leo Housakos, Senator made a heartfelt speech in which he explained the reasons for his presence that evening: his longtime involvement and unlimited involvment with the Hellenic Community and it’s schools and its mission with autistic children.
Messieurs Nick Katalifos, de l’École À pas de géant, Léo Housakos, Jacques Demers, et Tony Loffreda.
The Co-Chairs of the evening, Jacques Demers, Senator, former Canadiens coach and Mr. Tony Loffreda, vice president of RBC, in turn explained how the cause of education is fundamental for them and how happy they were for the success of the evening.
People happily discussed amongst themselves and the food was excellent. The event raised more than $ 195,000, half of which will come back to our school.
Sincere congratulations to all the organizers, the many sponsors and thank you again for your participation!
Mrs Zoi Batsis, Secretary of Education of CHGM with Mr. Katalifos