Dear Parents and Friends,
We hope you and your families are remaining healthy and strong as we slowly come out of this crisis.
Our School has refocused its resources and our educators have intensified their efforts in teaching from a distance. Socrates-Démosthène is committed to providing a quality education to all children as they remain at home. It is important to note that because of these exceptional circumstances, the Ministry of Education (MÉES) has suspended the Régime pédagogique, which prescribes every aspect concerning educational services. In the process, our educators have been directed to concentrate on the core courses.
The entire Socrates-Démosthène staff is working rigorously during these last few weeks of school, attending to all educational and administrative matters, and at the same time we are deeply involved in preparations for the next school year of 2020-2021. MEES has confirmed that the last day of formal teaching this school year will be on Friday the 19th of June. Our teachers and principals are currently reviewing the guidelines provided by MEES in reference to evaluations. This information will be communicated to you in the coming days.
As for the next school year, we are scheduled to resume classes on the 27th of August at all our campuses. MEES is currently reviewing the most ideal scenarios and options taking into consideration all health protocols for both elementary and high schools for next year. We expect the Education Minister to make the appropriate decisions in the coming few weeks. This information we be communicated to you as soon as it becomes available.
As for our student’s belongings, there will be further opportunities, by invitation, for parents to pick them up from school. More information will be provided by your campus administrators.
In reference to the school uniform for next year, fitting trials have been cancelled. Our new supplier, Maison d’Uniformes Lemira, is preparing on-line ordering forms that will be available soon.
We would like to thank our principals, teachers and support staff for their dedication and recognize the contribution of HCGM essential service staff working behind the scenes and express our gratitude to the Board of Directors for their precious support. Most importantly, we want to acknowledge the efforts our incredible students are making during this crisis and we want to thank all our parents for entrusting École Socrates-Démosthène for your children’s education.
Together, we will get through this!
The Director General,
Chris Adamopoulos