Code of student behavior: rules and expectations
Guiding Principle
The school Socrates-Demosthenes, students, parents, teachers, principals and other professionals representing the CHGM, are committed to maintaining a school environment open to learning, fostering a sense of community while creating an atmosphere of integrity and responsibility. The school promotes respect for oneself, others, diversity and our environment. The school believes that discipline is substantial when it is self-managed and there is a spirit of collaboration among students, parents and the school community. The empowerment of self and others helps each student reach their full academic, social, emotional and physical potential
This code aims to develop self-discipline and autonomy. Students will enjoy their institutional attendance by actively and positively participating to activities and by complying with common-sense rules that govern life and work in our community. To this end, the School encourages honesty, fairness, courtesy and security for all, in the effort of promoting respect for self and others both in society and at school. Students should develop a sense of responsibility, and thereby develop self-discipline and self-reliance.
The school Socrates-Demosthenes makes it a point to instill in its students the highest standards of conduct and the devotion to academic effort.
The school’s discipline policy is based on the following premises:
- Personal freedom is accompanied by a responsibility to respect the freedom of others;
- Regulations and policies exist in order to facilitate a sense of responsibility and to ensure respect for self and others;
- Regulations make a student’s school life easier and aid to maintain a pleasant, safe and caring school environment.
Academic Success
To guarantee success in their studies, students must not spare efforts in all aspects of school life. For instance, making homework on time, having all the necessary equipment needed for schoolwork and demonstrating sustained attention are all essential components to success.
School Sanctions
- Not handing in on time a homework within its time limit, is susceptible to not being accepted and therefore, may result in unsatisfactory marks. If the failure persists, parents/guardians will be alerted, which may eventually lead to additional sanctions.
- Delays in submitting assignments may result in loss of points.
- Cheating and plagiarism call for a zero, and possibly other sanctions.
General Sanctions
The school encourages students to always behave with courtesy, honesty and respect with their peers as well in person and on the Internet. In any case, unacceptable behavior, either at school or in outings and school buses, will be punished.
Written Warnings
Such warnings are served by teachers or the school management towards violations of school and/or school buses rules.
Detentions are given by teachers or school management at their discretion, after repeated disciplinary offenses or repeated warnings. These retentions are one hour and take place after school hours.
Suspensions / Expelling
In some extreme cases, a student may be suspended or expelled from school without prior notice. The grounds for such sanctions include the following:
- Uncivilized or chronic misconduct
- Academic dishonesty
- Theft
- Harassment and intimidation
- Violence (physical and verbal)
Policy in case of absence during an exam
As a member of an educational institution, a student who misses an exam must accept the resumption of his/her examination upon his/her return to school (or a specified date determined by the teacher). If the absence is not justified, it is up to the teacher to accept or not to accept the student to retake the exam or require a doctor’s note from the student.
Intellectual honesty and plagiarism
As a member of an educational institution, a student must demonstrate signs of honesty and good faith in his/her conduct. Cheating or plagiarism is a form of disloyalty, and by definition, unacceptable at all times. This type of offense is highly detrimental to the learning process and against the very purpose of the institution.
The use of computer at school
The academic institution has installed computers in a laboratory for students and staff only. Access to the computer is a privilege; thus, students are required to comply with the directives. Inappropriate use of computers can lead to the revocation of this privilege and other sanctions. A quick reminder of the guidelines:
- The computer’s primary usage is for school work.
- Students should and cannot download or install any program (including games and MSN Messenger).
- The use of the printer is limited to school work.
Guidelines for Internet use
The use of Internet is not a right but a privilege. Internet access is intended for educational activities ONLY.
The Socrates-Demosthenes school recommends that students and parents refer to the following government website to guide them in the use of Internet:
In addition, the school recommends that all students follow the subsequent code of conduct when using the Internet outside of school:
- Always be respectful to others and yourself.
- Never give out personal information (including your name, address, phone number).
- While surfing the Internet, remember that you are responsible for your actions.
- Following an electronic meeting, never agree to meet someone in person without talking to your parents about it.
- Never visit banned websites.
- Never go to a new service that involves additional costs without permission from your parents.
- Never give a credit card number without your parents’ permission.
- Always remember that strangers can get your address through social networks or chat-sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, MSN, etc.
- Do not assume that information obtained from the Internet is always accurate.
Rights and responsibilities of students
To ensure a school environment that promotes a balanced and quality education, the school Socrates-Demosthenes emphasizes on the following academic requirements and behaviors:
- Compliance with the school’s educational mission ;
- Respect towards teachers, other students, school staff and to oneself;
- Respect for the environment and property;
- Compliance with the school’s dress code;
- Compliance with safety regulations in the school bus;
- Respect towards the school’s community as a representative of the Socrates-Demosthenes school;
- Compliance with the school’s policies.
Protocol and consequences for students who do not comply with the code of conduct
For students who do not comply with the code of conduct, there will be consequences. For repeat offenses and in severe cases:
- The school management and teachers will exercise their professional judgment. They will meet to decide on an appropriate consequence.
- The student and his/her parents/guardian will be invited to meet with the staff of the school and will subsequently be informed of the decision and the action plan.
- Depending on the severity of the offense, the following consequences will be applied: loss of privileges, detention, suspension or expulsion without notice (in extreme cases).
1. Respect for academic success
- Students have the right
To reach their full potential, students are entitled to quality education with significant learning and school success.
- Students also have the responsibility to:
Prepare for school each day by doing homework and bringing all the necessary books and school equipment. Homework is an extension of their learning and complements the work done in class. Students who do not do their homework on a regular basis may find it difficult to follow the curriculum of the class. Teachers will be giving homework regularly and students should note their homework in their agenda. The agenda is a communication tool for parents and teachers and it must be daily reviewed and signed by the parents/guardians. It also allows teachers and parents to interact with the student’s work. For example, if the student cannot perform his/her job due to illness; parents can notify the teacher by using the agenda. Homework must be supervised, but in order for students to take initiative, they should be encouraged to do their work alone.
2. Respect for teachers, other students, school staff and oneself.
- Students have the right to:
Treat and to be treated with respect and to feel safe.
- Students have the responsibility to:
Behave in a courteous and respectful way towards teachers, other students and all school staff, including principals, supervisors, dinner supervisors, parents and volunteers. Students must behave in a harmless and pleasant manner, by respecting each person’s physical space, the school’s property and always speak and act with courtesy towards everyone.
Some behaviors demonstrate a lack of respect for the school and its staff:
The following behavior is deemed intolerable: ignoring classroom rules, cheating, swearing, being rude and disrespectful, using abusive language (including racism, sexism or being bias against ethnic groups), throwing objects, destroying furniture, committing physical abuse, etc. These behaviors will receive immediate attention which may include one of the following interventions: meeting teacher/student, a letter sent to parents/guardian, meeting parent/school staff, a letter of apology, a “reflection” essay, or any other legal action that the school deems necessary to ensure that the student learns that his/her behavior is inappropriate and should be substituted by adequate behavior.
Behavior that affects the physical and emotional integrity of other students:
Fighting, bullying, pushing, leg hooks, kicking, swarming, name-calling, throwing things … Such actions shall be subject to immediate action, and depending on their severity, it could include any of the following consequences or interventions: a student-teacher or student-direction meeting, a letter to the family, a meeting with parents, a letter of apology, mediation to resolve the conflict , loss of privileges or any other legal action that the school believes it is necessary for the student to cease such behavior and learn that his/her action is inappropriate.
- • Parents and teachers have the responsibility to:
Encourage a friendly behavior by providing a good model. Parents and the school personnel must work together to solve problems that may affect the safety of students so that they can flourish in a peaceful and stimulating learning environment.
3. . Respect for the environment and property
- Students have the right :
In respect of their personal property (ex: books, educational material, personal belongings).
- Students have the responsibility to:
Respect school property. This includes classrooms, hallways, library, gym, restrooms, playground and school busses. Parents and teachers must demonstrate how to respect and value personal and public property, by guiding children to take the necessary steps to correct the harm caused to the property of the school or peers (ex: by replacing a library book, by paying the cost of a damaged object). To ensure compliance with the objectives of the school’s policy, some personal items (such as playing cards, GameBoy, iPods, DS or toys) that could interfere with the learning process or the general well-being of students WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. The school reserves the right to confiscate these items to ensure a smooth and efficient running of the school day. These items will be confiscated and returned at the discretion of the teacher or the school principal.
4. Compliance with the school’s dress code
- Students have the right to :
Attend school wearing their clean school uniform, and to be dressed appropriately for the temperature (refer to school uniforms).
- Parents/guardian have the responsibility for:
Providing students with appropriate clothing and monitoring what students wear to go to school.
- Teachers are responsible for :
Enforcing the dress code of the school and informing parents when it is not respected.
5. Compliance with safety regulations in the school bus
- Students have the right to:
Be transported safely to school, both emotionally and physically.
- Students have the responsibility to :
Behave according to the same code of life at school (refer to school’s transportation policy).
- Parents are responsible for :
Cooperating with the school and encouraging their children to follow the rules and behave in an acceptable manner in the school bus (refer to school’s transportation policy).
6. Respect for my community / my school and my role as a representative of the Socrates-Demosthenes school
- Students have the right to :
Be proud and appreciate their cultural heritage.
- Students have the responsibility to:
Make necessary efforts to respect and appreciate their cultural differences and similarities in their school and community in general. As ambassadors of the Socrates-Demosthenes school, they represent values, ideologies and practices of their school. Within the school community, CHGM and society in general, they are responsible to behave with courtesy, respect and consideration for others and to encourage the same respect and consideration on the part of others. In this way, the Socrates-Demosthenes school continues its rich and distinctive tradition.
7. Compliance with the school’s policies
- Students have the right to :
High-quality education in accordance with their personal freedom and that of others.
- Students have the responsibility to:
Respect school policies in order to improve the climate of school life and to maintain a pleasant, safe and warm environment for them and others.