On Sunday April 14th, La troupe de tambours de l’école Socrates Demosthene, proudly took part in the majestic New York City Greek Independence Day on Fifth Avenue. This is the fourth time we took part in an international parade and it was by far our best performance to date. 

With a group of nearly 100 participants, our group made a major impact on all the spectators watching the parade, representing our school, our community and all of Hellenism in Canada with great pride. We received an incredible amount of cheers and positive comments as we paraded down Fifth avenue. 

Our group was composed of 35 drummers including many alumni drummers who returned to join us, plenty of siblings, and last but not least, the dedicated parents of our drummers who are the ones who made this trip possible. Their amazing dedication to their kids and to La troupe de Tambours is not something to take for granted, these families are proud of their school, proud of their community and most importantly they are proud of their heritage and want to pass on this feeling to their kids.
Let us not forget our uniquely talented and amazing drumming instructors Alex Fragakis and Konstantina Vanikiotis who trained and brought our group to this beautiful parade. An honourable mention is also needed for our instructors Maria Andreou and Odysseas Falagaras for their hard work throughout the season. 

Lastly, a special thank you to everyone who donated to our fundraisers to help us fund this incredible experience, your contribution made this happen.
Ζήτω η Ελλάδα!