At École Socrates-Démosthène, your child’s security and well-being are our primary concern, our absolute priority. This has always been the case and that will never change.
Though one hopes that undesirable situations will never occur close to home, we know they can happen anywhere, at any time. All it takes is one deranged individual to do something terrible. Our School’s goal is to be as best prepared as possible.
If you refer to our School’s Policy & Procedures Manual, you will notice that we have policies on Intrusion and on Lockdown. Several years ago, we began Lockdown training for all our staff (directors, teachers, secretaries, janitors, lunch supervisors and daycare personnel). These training sessions are given by the POLICE to our staff on a regular basis.
Follow-up protocol meetings are conducted by the campus Director and his or her team. The security measures of each campus are constantly being re-evaluated and modifications are implemented if deemed necessary. We are working very closely with our Buildings and Grounds Department to make improvements following any reassessments.
Our campuses conduct Lockdown practices in individual groups and campus-wide.
In the real world things might not always work out as planned but the more prepared we are the greater our chance of coming out of such situations without any harm.